
凱特•克里絲譚森, 2011年
顧裕光 譯

下 一瞬間,大家爆笑起來,笑得不可扼止,像是只有這樣的無可理喻的笑,才能搔著癢處。有幾個人幾乎笑得跌下椅子。約漢與我成了今天的免費娛樂,兩個沒耐心的美國佬, 只為了急於購物,等不及雨停, 淋成落湯雞。我們與眾同樂,笑自己真是傻得可以。這是來到瓦哈卡之後最樂味的一樁事。

附筆:  凱特•克里絲譚森,生於1962年,是美國新生代小說家。她的第四本小說《 偉人》,獲得 2008年國際筆協 / 福克納文學獎。她的散文、書評、小說經常刊載於紐約時報書評,威爾森季刊,華爾街日報,《 她》雜誌和其它刊物。

Playing the Fool in Mexico
By KATE CHRISTENSEN ..... Copyright ©2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

In May 1995, it was the rainy season in Oaxaca; there weren't many tourists around. It's an interesting town, but my boyfriend Jon and I felt like the outsiders we were. Our hotel's balconies overlooked a flowery, bird-filled courtyard and we spent afternoons in a café tucked into a colonnade on the zocalo, waiting out rainstorms, writing postcards, drinking beer and eating spiced peanuts. We watched locals go about their days and listened to live music in the cathedral square at night. Through it all, we felt touristy, distant—as one can when visiting a strange place. On Saturday, we went to the open-air market. We got lost in narrow, dark aisles of stalls hung with carved animals, wool rugs, woven blankets, embroidered shirts. We bought hand-carved masks of a deer and a tiger. Sitting at a table among the food stalls, we ate oxtails in a bright green broth, still gripped by that displaced self-consciousness, a feeling of formality, even with each other.
As we were finishing our lunch, right on schedule, it started pouring. The rain was dense and loud, pooling in the tarps that covered the stalls. All the Mexicans stopped what they were doing and watched the waterfall. New Yorkers that we are, we decided to push on and stepped into the walkway. Just then, one of the tarps overflowed, dumping a load of water directly onto us. We looked at each other, then at all the Oaxacans standing there watching us.
All of us— the entire market, it seemed— burst into laughter, the kind of shared hilarity that's like an infectious itch that only hard laughter can scratch. A few people were almost falling down with mirth. Jon and I were the entertainment of the day, the impatient gringos too bent on their shopping to stay out of the rain. We laughed at ourselves with them for a long time. It was the most fun we'd had in that town so far.
The rain stopped and we continued on, wet-haired, buying presents, bartering in our high-school Spanish, trying to make jokes. We came to a blanket-seller's stall at the end of the day. She and her two teenaged daughters looked bored and sulky; business was terrible this time of year. I looked through their blankets, wanting to help by buying something, but I didn't see anything I liked.
Then I spied the small blanket they had pinned their signs on. It was a piece of hand- woven cotton, a simple pattern in lilac and cream. I pointed and asked the woman how much it was. She named a price; I remember it as the equivalent of $40, fair as far as I was concerned but, I could tell, exorbitant to her. It was just her utility cloth, not anything fancy at all.
I wanted it; it was the most beautiful thing in their stall. I turned to Jon and said, "I have to try to bargain, right? Otherwise they'll laugh at me." Jon said, "Just give it to them. It's the end of the day."
I turned to the woman and handed her the money, smiling, knowing they'd think I was a sucker, and not caring.
The woman stared at the money, stared at me, took the money, turned to her daughters, showed them the money, and all three burst out laughing. It wasn't mocking laughter. It was the dazed, joyful laughter of people who'd been given a windfall. They wrapped the blanket in brown paper and tied it and handed it to me. Jon and I walked out into the sunny afternoon, dazed ourselves with the unexpected windfall.
That blanket became my favorite tablecloth. It's in storage now. After 12 years of marriage, Jon and I separated in the fall of 2008. That afternoon in Oaxaca comes back to me like a charm on a bracelet, a bell maybe, ringing with a now-familiar truth: I can't ever control what happens. Life, like travel, is made up of a series of unexpected moments, in the face of which it's impossible to do anything but laugh at yourself, be as generous as possible, and appreciate the fact that sometimes you're going to look like a fool.

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