Between Real and Unreal

Wednesday,  June 27, 2012

A few days ago I had a dream. I was taking notes from a doctor. He made three points, I wrote down two. I asked him to repeat the third one for me. And he said, I don't remember it now.

I thought, How could you not remember it? You are the doctor and you just said those three things! And I realized that I was dreaming and I dreamed up the doctor as well as the three points. And if I couldn't remember the third point, the doctor surely wouldn't be able to remember it.

I woke up from that dream, very upset.

The line between real and unreal is getting thinner for me. I do not know what is right, what is true, what is real. I park my car in the hospital garage, walk over the bridge to the main building, taking the escalator down to the lobby and walk to elevator bank A, taking it to floor 8, and walk into room 8231 for the day. And that is my reality now.

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